We take great pride in matching exceptional puppies to exceptional families. No two families are identical, so we take the time to get to know you, and guide you through the process of picking a puppy that is just right for your family.

  • Get to know us

    The first step is to research us. I have dozens of reviews from puppy parents on my Facebook page, which has the benefit of being uncensored and unalterable. Review the thousands of pictures and daily posts, as well as the testimonials from other puppy parents. If you decide we might be a good match, then Contact Us.

  • Contact Us

    Either via “Contact Us” buttons on this page, or our Facebook page, reach out to us. I will answer any questions you have, and if you feel we are a good match I will arrange a phone call. We are VERY serious about exactly matching the perfect puppy for your family, and that requires us to get to know each other a bit. We will discuss your wants (color, gender) and needs (size, activity level, any family members with special concerns, etc) and find the perfect puppy for you.

  • Join The List

    After chatting, if we feel we are a match, I will send you a detailed agreement outlining exactly what you can expect from us and other logistics in writing. Of course we will discuss these things as well on the phone. A $300 deposit will save your spot on our waiting list. The deposit counts toward the price of the puppy.

    When you join the list, even if prices go up you are locked in at the price quoted you, save as described below.

  • Puppy Picking

    When a litter is born that has puppies matching your family’s wants and needs, I will announce it on Facebook. Any prospective parents can then contact me via email and tell me they are interested.

    When the puppies are about 4 weeks old, I will then contact prospective parents to arrange a puppy picking phone call, according to the order of the waiting list.

    If you don’t see any that fit your needs in that particular litter, you are free to pass on the litter until next time. If you pass for a year consecutively on puppies that do meet your stated needs, and prices change, we reserve the right to move to the new price.

    We do it this way because not only the puppy, but the timing needs to be perfect. A puppy may be available at a time that it is not convenient for your family to take on a new member, so we allow our awaiting parents to save their spot on the list for an extended period of time while waiting for the perfect moment for the perfect puppy.

  • Homecoming

    Once you have matched your puppy, you can expect weekly pics and/or videos for you of your puppy growing and playing to be posted.

    Puppies go home at 8 weeks or in the case of smaller puppies when deemed ready to leave, generally no later than 10 weeks. Balance is due when you pick your puppy, and payment must be received and cleared before the puppies can leave.

    We will discuss transportation options during our phone call. I do have a few trusted transport companies that do excellent work, and both driving and flying options are available. I have had bad experiences with fly by night puppy transportation companies, so please discuss with us beforehand prior to making any final transport arrangements as I will not allow puppies to be transported by someone unless I know they are as dedicated to quality and safety as we are.

    Of course picking up your new family member in person is always welcome.